About Me

Hi,  I am Gabrielle 

In 2015, I was at the top of my 'professional' game - I had achieved my lifelong goal of opening a Wellness, Fitness, and Education center for Pregnancy and Post-birth women, and Couples.

I was a renowned childbirth educator, published author, and writer for the Australian Pregnancy and Birth Magazine. I presented at National Conferences to hundreds of people. I had a huge following in Perth W.A. where I had attended 450 births over 25 years. I was recognized as a successful woman of influence to the hundreds of women/couples that I empowered, trained, and mentored.

I guess you could say, from the outside, it appeared that I had it all.

But there was a conflict inside of me that said otherwise and I was running a whole other program behind the scenes.

You see I had a secret that I had hidden from everyone since I was 17 years of age because I was ashamed and embarrassed about what people would think of me. I also came from a very dysfunctional family, where there was physical and verbal abuse and fighting every day. I was told I was a nobody, which led me to believe I was stupid and dumb. I struggled with confidence and belief in myself, as a mother, wife, and woman. All of which played out, when I got married and had my own children because dysfunction breeds dysfunction!

My belief was, that if I could empower others, I could empower myself to be there for others and with every baby, I assisted to come into the world I felt redeemed from this terrible trauma and secret I hid from the world.

My smile and confident outward persona hid so many insecurities - because, at my core, I believed that I was a fake and a fraud - I was the pure essence of an Imposter! I had no idea who I really was. My insecurity made me constantly compare myself to others - in my eyes, I was NEVER going to be as good as them - as polished, as influential, successful, or worthy. I was pushing up against the thickest glass ceiling - one of my own making and I was desperately searching for a way to smash through that.

This feeling stayed with me right up until 2016 when another terrible traumatic event occurred identically to the one in 1987, which left me shattered and having to close my center which was heartbreaking. However, as one door closed another opened and I found myself on a quest to find my way back to the true essence of who I really was (my true identity) before dysfunction, emotional wounding, and trauma entered my life. As it turned out my quest was the biggest blessing of my life as I found the most incredible modality that has changed my life completely. Since training in this Modality, I have never looked back and my life has changed exponentially. 

I Can Help You Grow and Transform

My passions

My Core Services

Service One - Consultation

As a certified Hypnosis Intuitive

I empower women to Reclaim Their Identity and feel confident, happy, and with clarity of mind to trust in themselves again and love who they are...

Freed permanently from emotional wounding, anxiety, self-doubt, not feeling worthy, overwhelmed, burn-out, and overthinking.

I am dedicated to supporting women to break free, rise and feel happy and confident and help them step into their true power and identity. 

Service Two -  Pregnancy & Childbirth Education and Services

Couples Empowered Childbirth Education & Hypnosis WORKSHOPS

Face to Face or via zoom that creates beautiful, informed, safe, and relaxing calm birth.

Hypnosis for Birth Preparation 

to release birth trauma, fears, and anxiety. and learn how to surrender, breathe and let go and create the ideal birth you want and desire.

Pregnancy Relaxation & Induction Massage 

a beautiful natural combination of techniques to relax your body and mind, or to gently move you into labour.  

Service Three - Past Life Regression and Intuitive Reading

Past Life Regression is enlightening work as some of the past lives my clients have visited and experienced have been fascinating. My clients often see people they know from this life only they show up completely different from how they look now as well as recognising places, towns, and buildings.

As an Energy Intuitive, I assist my clients by reading their energy and what is going on for them mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

A skill that I inherited from my GrandMother and became aware of around the age of 10. 

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