Past Life Regression

Energy Intuitive Readings and Hypnosis

Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression is enlightening work as some of the past lives my clients have visited and experienced have been fascinating. My clients often see people they know from this life only they show up completely different from how they look now as well as recognising places, towns, and buildings.

Going under Hypnosis and back into a Past Life is often underestimated for its potential to assist in healing in a fast, safe and effective way where instantly you can feel a shift in how you feel after the session.

In 2016 I was lucky enough to travel to the Omega Centre in New York and train with expert Dr Brian Weiss, author of 20 books on the subject and regression specialist to thousands of people worldwide in Past Life Regression. To say this training experience was life-changing is an understatement indeed.

Past Life regression can assist you in so many ways to make sense of your life, the way you are, the dramas you may be having with others, the phobias and fears you may be experiencing or make sense of the reoccurring events that are happening in your life. It can assist you immensely

with physical symptoms and recurring health problems and many other things, as I experienced firsthand as did the other attendees during this seven-day training course.

You don’t have to have had any problems health-wise to partake in this type of session. You might just be a curious soul seeking to find out where you have lived and what you have been and done in the other lifetimes that have led you to this lifetime. Trust me when I say you will be pleasantly surprised and both shocked about where you have lived and what you have been a part of. It is all very interesting.

You may want to know why it is that you have met someone and you swear that you know them, but you just know you have never met them before now. Or you may feel like you are overprotective with your children or certain family members but you’re not sure why. Or you feel you know your baby as soon as you birth them etc.

One of the most amazing things about going to a past life is that you will get to do a life review. This I feel is the most important part of participating in a Past Life Regression session. When you do a life review you get to see, feel and hear what that life was about and the lessons you learnt and how that life relates to this life.

This can be the most profound experience where you find everything starts to make sense to you and what you are going through now.

Past Life Regression under Hypnosis is also ideal for women who have had miscarriages, past birth trauma, stillbirth or conscious terminations. Many women have experienced some type of depression, anxiety, fear, anger, trauma or guilt associated with pregnancy, birth or post-birth having a baby pass over.

This is an area I have focused on for many years and what I consider my area of expertise. Most commonly I have had women come to me who have had terrible birth trauma and through hypnosis, I have assisted them to work through this experience resulting in my client healing and being able to conceive again and then go on to have the most amazing and empowered labour and birth journey.


As a certified Hypnosis practitioner, I assist my clients by taking them under hypnosis to reprogram and release what their specific issues are. Hypnosis is particularly successful for people wanting to reduce their anxiety and stress, behaviours and habits, increase self love and acceptance and for sleep issues calming ones mind down. I have also had huge success with people giving up smoking and with weight loss as well.

As a Pregnancy and Childbirth expert I have assisted hundreds of women to release their birth trauma and FEAR around birth, and have found the results to be exceptional. 

I am finding more and more women come to me with these types of problems as the birth intervention rates increase.

Hypnosis is often underestimated for it potential to assist in releasing issues and problems.


Intuitive Energy Healing

As an Energy Intuitive, I assist my clients by reading their energy and offering psychic counselling/readings for anyone who has the need to have some questions answered and or gain some direction and momentum forward especially if you are feeling stuck. I am finding many people are feeling stuck and are in a rut and they are just not sure in which direction to move in. Many people are also having their life turned upside down by events unforeseen by them, or caused by my client needing a dramatic change but then they don’t know what comes next.

Many people are seeking to learn about all of this ‘New Age’ stuff because we are also experiencing an ‘Awakening’ on our planet at this very time, so many people are being pulled to find out who they really are and why they are here. A skill that I inherited from my Grand Mother and became aware of around the age of 10, but didn't fully appreciate or understand till I was much older.

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