Reclaiming Your Identity through Women's Wisdom and Transformation
Online Course

This course is designed to clear your path forward and initiate your innate wisdom and understanding of exactly who you are, and what you need to know to release your old programming, so you can break through your blocks and release them permanently, and reclaim your identity 100%, and show the world who you came here to be.  

Are you ready to Reclaim Your Identity and let your light shine bright?

 As women we can be our OWN WORST ENEMY, listening to our head chatter, the statements we tell ourselves, FEARING the worst of situations based on our past experiences. This leads us to not TRUST ourselves and or others, for FEAR of making the same mistake again.

Let me tell you right now that it is not YOUR fault, that genetically we are wired to be this way as women, and on top of that, we are hormonal creatures, trying to cope with the ups and downs of our emotions often triggered by past experiences wounding and programming.

Here is the GREAT NEWS by the end of this program, you will have gained a very clear insight into why you think the way you do and what you do about it. Because as a woman you don’t want to be in a state of overwhelm, stress and anxiety, doubting and second-guessing yourself and the choices you make do you?

Module One

Identifying where YOUR BELIEFS have come from

Module Six


Module Two

Breaking the PATTERNS

Module Seven


Module Three

Feel the FEAR and give it a go anyway

Module Eight


Module Four

The role EPIGENETICS has on your life

Module Nine

The IMPORTANCE  of understanding YOU 

Module Five

Taking full RESPONSIBILITY for your role

Module Ten

Transformation the EASY WAY! 

Course benefits...  

By the end of this program, you will have gained a very clear insight into why you think and feel the way you do and what you can do to release all that no longer serves you mentally, physically and emotionally!

Benefit One

Gain a clear insight and understanding of the program you running behind the scenes, and how it is holding you stuck and standing in your own way. 

Benefit Two

How you can release this old outdated program and reclaim your true identity- and show up as the empowered, confident, and future-focused woman that you are! 

Benefit Three

Understand why it is important to take full responsibility for your past stories, and acknowledge your past does not have to define your future. 

As a result of participating in this course you will...

LEARN about YOU, and why you THINK and FEEL the way you do based on your own conditioning and programming that started as a child.

Discover through EPIGENETIC wisdom, how the issues, beliefs, and emotions your ancestors experienced affect you?

Develop knowledge and clarity around understanding how the FOUR HORMONAL SEASONS affect you every day!


Reflect on what your programming is that you are operating behind the scenes that are keeping you believing things about yourself that are not true!

Understand why taking responsibility is important for healing and growth.

Master your thoughts by being an observer, learning new tools and skills

Discover why you DOUBT yourself, feel OVERWHELMED, and constantly OVER THINK, analyze and process everything YOU have going on in YOUR life

Learn HOW to find INNER PEACE, HAPPINESS and CONFIDENCE that other women seem to acquire so easily  

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