What my clients are saying

My life had been going down a dark path for years and it never seemed to get any better, it was like I was on a spinning wheel, and I wasn’t able to jump off, living the same terrible life over and over again. I had tried so many different types of therapy, medication, and even hospitalisation but nothing really worked, I was at the lowest point in my life, my negative thoughts and beliefs just wouldn’t stop, my mental health was a mess, I had no self-worth and I had nothing to live for. 

I met up with a friend last year and she referred me to Gaby and my life changed.

Gaby met with me in her own home, made me feel so comfortable, and actually listened to me, understood me and I felt heard for the first time. We started working on my personal blocks and what stopped me from truly living and achieving my goals and dreams. I was skeptical at first, however, after our first session something changed in me, and it was then that I just knew I was on the road to recovery. It would start off as little things at first, like not being able to remember some of my negative thoughts, then breakthroughs would happen days later; it was like a big black cloud in my head just lifted and I could see the light and clearly for the first time. I started making decisions that made me happy and trusting in myself. 

Now I have confidence, motivation, no self-doubt or insecurities and I have discovered my purpose in life. I am able to see a future with my own goals and dreams and I’m setting up my life to work towards this. I no longer worry about what others think or want me to do, I live for me now! I’m in charge of what I think and feel. 

I wouldn’t say this was an easy journey, its hard work but if you want it bad enough and are willing to put in the effort then this transformation will change your life forever and you will never look back. 

Gaby, thank you so much without you I would not be here.


"A few months ago, I found myself in a position where I felt life had fallen apart. Every facet had unraveled, and it felt like I was living some kind of sick fiction novel. I had just ended a toxic relationship and my relations with friends and family were in absolute chaos. My head was blurred with thoughts about jumping into a great big hole to be swallowed up forever. It was truly the lowest point in my life.

A friend introduced me to Gabrielle, and this led me to discover Creatrix. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect this process to turn my world around in a matter of weeks.

After four sessions I am feeling grateful that I hit rock bottom because this led me on this amazing journey with Creatrix. This journey has been central to my healing. Creatrix has allowed me to examine the internal programming and negative head chatter that was significantly impacting my life. This process has been 100% about me. I feel empowered which in turn has allowed me to examine life choices including relationships I have chosen to be in. 

The Creatrix process has helped me reset. I am now excited about my future, and for the first time feel free to live a life true to me. My only regret is I didn’t discover the Creatrix process years ago."

Amanda McKindley

"I have had the pleasure of working with Gabrielle who released a lot of my blocks which were preventing me from moving forward and taking up opportunities. She helped me get out of my own way, releasing my past, to go on to live my best life.

Gabrielle is professional with a kind heart but will call you out on your BS which is a blessing. I highly recommend Gabrielle to work with as she has an understanding of how blocks, emotional wounding, sabotaging beliefs and the program you are running in the background prevent you from being the best version of yourself and living life authentically with love, peace, and happiness."

Sammy Theresa


"Thank you so much for your wonderful encouragement and amazing gift as a Transformologists® using the Creatrix® modality.

I've lived with great anxiety and torment for decades but now it's all gone and I am feeling liberated and ready to get on with my life. Onwards and Upwards! I'm very grateful to you."

Nerrida 2022

  From a grateful Mum,

"I had wanted to start my own family for as long as I can remember. So, when I eventually gave birth to my first daughter and then my son 18 months apart, I felt I had done what I always wanted to do, but I was struggling, mentally and physically.

I didn’t realise how hard it would be and how I would feel so resentful and angry as I lost my identity, my life, my freedom, my financial independence, and my energy. was lost as a mother and felt guilty for feeling this way.

I also felt unsupported by my husband as he was off working, so self-doubt crept in too, and due to feeling exhausted and overwhelmed I felt like I couldn’t cope. I was a mess when I think back.

Based on what I discussed during my initial session with Gabrielle, I knew I needed help. I came to realise I had so much going on behind the scenes but underlying all of this was resentment, guilt, and anger, that I had two children and no support. I felt like a terrible Mum.

After working with Gabrielle, I literally released everything I had going on, including beliefs from my own childhood. We had four sessions, a week apart and boy did it change my life.

Ladies it seriously is the best money you will ever invest in yourself. I have not looked back since and I won’t ever because everything has dissolved and gone never to interfere with being the confident, happy, energetic Mum I’ve become. I am so happy and feel so free, even though I am a Mum."

Jacina 2022

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